Absolute beginners
By dancerr2210 - 09/06/2010 04:01 - United States

By dancerr2210 - 09/06/2010 04:01 - United States
By Anonymous - 15/09/2011 20:03 - United States
By Anonymous - 10/03/2012 07:23 - United States
By Anonymous - 03/11/2012 01:23 - Canada - Bedford
By Lady Vulva - 19/09/2015 02:56
By EliseV - 03/11/2014 18:56 - United States - Chino Hills
By Anonymousss95 - 10/12/2011 12:03 - Sweden
By Blueberrypicc - 13/08/2010 01:01 - United States
By Mini-wanker - 18/10/2011 17:34 - United States
By Alicia - 21/01/2010 05:02 - United States
By anon - 05/06/2021 02:01
#2 what are you talking about? She had to convince him HE was still a virgin.
haha, I moderated this but only just realised what it ment, lol, I think I should read things mire carefully OP: how old is he, 5?
7, the ****? everyone is a virgin at one point...
why were you making out with a 10 year old?
1 most likely not for long. don't you all understand yet that saying "first" usually gets your post removed?
Damn girl! How good did you kiss him?
have sex with him. then everyone wins
If you can't feel it, you're still a virgin. Lol.
#36 I don't see my post gone so screw u
no 79, 36 is right. the mods probably haven't noticed it yet. usually comments that only say first disappear within an hour because they are pointless.
the point is that the boyfriend thought he lost his virginity by making out with her. she had to convince him hes still a virgin
just curious. is your bf's name matt?
That's awesome! You should have let him think he lost his virginity! I have two girls and I hope that I can convince them that even holding hands will get you pregnant...then they will never come close to a guy!
I guess you have to show him where to put his dick when you do actually have sex.
#82 it's been nearly 48 hours I don't think it will go:)
141 - Take kindergarten again and maybe you'll learn to tell time, esme :)
Anyone who says "First" automatically loses. :) I think everyone finds it stupid and annoying.
wow I swear you had to be 17 to get this app. certainly doesn't sound like you are lol well your bf isn't at least
thats what you get for dating 6 year olds....
I dunno, i'm pretty sure I knew what sex was as a six year old, you have to be pretty young to not know that like OPs boif did
wow. so, Sarah Palin is against teaching kids about sex Ed in school... apparently you Americans really need it.
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Show it anywaywhat for? do you think im like 6? what i said is actually true, it is oral sex. but every persons view on losing their virginity is different, be it oral, anal, or just plain old sex. it doesnt matter.
Wow you're dumb.
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Show it anywayyou are correct, even touching is sex...
I meant pleasuring someone with your fingers etc.. go look it up, dumbass
sex is considered the transmission of fluids jackass. so all im saying is making out is oral sex. so chill out, intercourse is a whole different thing.
J33 are you stupid or what? Wait oh I understand. You must be like 12 or somewhere around there. Don't worry you will grow up someday and maybe then you will get it.
38. haa haa haa. Thats great. I love it.
35 / J33bus. So many years ago I became blood brothers with my best friend. So according to your screwed logic I guess we had sex. Oh wait here's another one. when I was a baby my Mom was changing me and as all little babies do I peed with my diaper off. Mom said my aim was perfect and yep you guessed it right in her mouth. are you saying I had sex with my mom when I was an infant you suck bastard. There is no definition anywhere that says sex is the trasfer of body fluids. You are so very immature.
i think J33 is just mad cuz hes still a virgin
Not everyone on here is a stupid only-just teenager. Some are actually older than that and some aren't stupid. But there are a lot, and they are kinda annoying, it's easiest just to ignore them.
#5 you are an idiot
I've never seen a bigger dumbass
j33 don't bother defending something when you clearly don't know shit and are trying to sound smart. and andruha, your just as dumb as who ever tried making a point in this argument. ****** idiots gave me a headache reading this thread. jus sayin
sex is not the transfer of fluids. you cant spit in someones mouth and call it sex
just cause he's not A good kisser doesn't mean he's a virgin.
95, that actually depends on the person. i personally didn't think losing my "oral sex virginity" was even a fraction as important as losing my actual virginity. so, you can't just say that oral sex is just as much sex. because, first off, it technically isn't. and second off, beliefs on that subject depend on the person.
Uhh, no... Sexual Encounters, such as Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Anal Sex, Foreplay... All involve, well, SEX ORGANS! Sex organs would be the Penis and the ******. Moron.
Most of these comments make me ashamed to be a teenager. At least learn how to properly form a complete idea before you try to force your opinions upon others. -I'd also like to add my mom once told me kissing is a form of sex, or something along those lines. It was creepy as well as stupid so I tried to tune her out o_o. I'm pretty sure it's just a ****** up way of trying to keep your children safe.
if u can get an STD then it counts! :D happy?
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Show it anywaylmfao jesus christ you're a ******* moron! like seriously were you hit in the head too many times as a kid? fyi, these things called CONDOMS get worn. that's probably a big new word for you since you just found out what sex was by everyone correcting you. anyways CONDOMS get worn, so there is no fluid. sex ISN'T the exchange of fluids. everyone who backwashes would probably be taking a lot of people's virginity. if you were trying to be funny, EPIC FAILURE. if you were serious, then get off this website and delete your account because you're way to young to be having one.
win! and i LOVE your name.
I love how everybody is ******* fearless when no ones looking. do I need to clear this up? because literally, you guys are seriously not embarrassing others, but your own self. sex: oral (genitals to mouth) anal( penis to anus) vaginal(penis to ******). now I know I said a lot of big words for most of you putrid morons, but your going to need to know them. Has NOTHING with exchanging ******* fluids. WTF? kissing, is some type or form of foreplay. okay? case closed. now everyone shut up and get back to spending the rest of your lives hating on people you don't know like pathetic losers. k? great! bye. (:
making out is no where near having sex...I feel sorry for how uninformed you are about sex, real life sexual experiences is gonna be a slap in the face. I understand you must be young but the fact that you think kissing is oral sex makes me think your patents lied to you.
the world would be a much better place if we just let the retards like you die off. the worst part is you don't even know you're stupid. /facepalm
Then why comment ?
Most likely someone already said this but it can't be considered sex by anyone unless sexual contact is made, which requires anyone's body part touching the genital area of someone else, so unless you're making out with someone on their crotch, it's not oral sex.
sexual intercourse- sexual contact between individuals involving penetration, especially the insertion of a man's erect penis into a woman's ******, typically culminating into ****** and the ejaculation of semen.
no, it doesn't have to be a man and a woman. sex is basically penetration. it can be between gay men or straight people.
ARE YOU ******* KIDDING ME, #99? Definition isn't an opinion. I can't just say that "and" means the same thing as dinosaur in plain english because the definition of the word "and" is a word "used to connect words of the same part of speech, clauses, or sentences that are to be taken jointly." and the definition of the word "dinosaur" is "a fossil reptile of the Mesozoic era, often reaching an enormous size."
He should visit FML. You'll learn a lot of terminology on here really quickly. And at least 10% of it is accurate.
You could also send him to Urban Dictionary. You know how many terms and definitions of love and love making there are on there?
Tbf if the OP's bf thinks that making out is losing his virginity then they're probably not old enough to actually be having sex. Certainly not mature enough anyway. Though, OP, are you sure he wasn't joking?
hahahahaha yiu're funny
not as funny as reading some if your posts J33 xD and yeah I gotta say are op and 'friend' like 10??
I'm gonna assume that he believes any kind of intercourse means that you lose you're virginity. the definition of virginity is too loose. I'm sure he knows the difference between sex and intercourse
wait... what? sex is essentially intercourse.
sex can be oral..
not if he's talking about oral sex, anal sex, nasal sex, ear sex, you catch my drift?
I'm guessing it's a matter of sexual purity rather than virginity. Virginity in the common vernacular is objective; once you have sexual intercourse (penile/vaginal for heterosexuals, anal for gay men and oral for lesbians) you're no longer a virgin. Purity and abstinance are subjective; for some, kissing alone breaks ones purity, while for others, the limits are much looser. At least, I hope that's what the bf means O.o
whoaa, nasal sex? =S
Ok, virginity is NOT loosely defined, it is for men: the penis penetrating through vaginal or anal sex, and for women: the hymen being broken through penetration (which can actually happen through oral sex or finger play). Interpretation depends on the person, etc etc, but that's the MEDICAL definition.
IF YOU HAD SEX, you aren't a virgin. Stop making it complicated. The other day I read something retarded about women trying anal to preserve their "virginity" for someone. Ear sex doesn't count. That's just stupid.
lol sounds like he's abit how does one put it nicely umm special lol
how retarded is your boyfriend to not know he's a virgin? makes no sense.
thats what you get for dating 6 year olds....
Making out is kissing (each other's lips), and maybe "heavy petting" or "groping." Oral sex is using your mouth on another person's genitals, which usually aren't located on the face.