By Jodie Zawadzka - 20/10/2017 06:00

Today, Hurricane Ophelia hit. I had been meaning to fix my roof for a while but couldn't get around to it. My roof is now embedded in my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 050
You deserved it 1 360

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lobby_Bee 17

You're very lucky, most people don't even know where their roof went after a hurricane. All you got to do is put it back on your house now, no biggie.

"Selling Slightly Used Car. Comes with a big roof! (Minor damage to said roof) No refunds!"


Hope you have good... everything insurance. You're gonna have a hell of the time fixing all the water damage in your house, which honestly seems a BIT more important than your car. I suppose you can always sleep in a car, but you can't exactly drive a house....

Hey, the roof is embedded in the car, i say it counts as driving a house now

Isn't an RV basically a house on wheels?

What does couldn’t mean in this case? Too lazy? Lack of money? No one getting over there? It really makes all the difference on if this one is a ydi or fyl

I feel like that means couldn't be bothered.

you are correct. I deserved it but it also sucks.

And that dead readers is why you shouldn't procrastinate.

Live readers shouldn't procrastinate either..

Lobby_Bee 17

You're very lucky, most people don't even know where their roof went after a hurricane. All you got to do is put it back on your house now, no biggie.

"Selling Slightly Used Car. Comes with a big roof! (Minor damage to said roof) No refunds!"

XUDT72 24

Good thing you didn't waste the money since you just would've had to get it fixed again.

i8cake 12

silver lining, your roof is within reach to be fixed without needing to climb a ladder! in all seriousness, hope no injuries to you or your family!

BaDumTsss_fml 23

That blows. Hope you have home owner's insurance!