By skmusic - 09/04/2009 05:04 - Canada

Today, the phone rang so I went to answer it. No one was there. A minute later the phone rang again and no one answered so I assumed it was a telemarketer or a prank so I started swearing uncontrollably in rage. Turns out it was my crush calling to ask me out, but she was too nervous to ask. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 290
You deserved it 75 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. Way to lose your temper after 2 calls.

arienh4 0

Ever heard of call screening? To #1, you knew it's annoying, yet you did it anyway? We can SEE the #1, there's no need to say it.


aaaaaaaaaw thats why you dont judge edit: first.. and i know people hate this, but once you finally can do it. its nice.

Umm did you have balls to ask a girl out instead of the other way

Luunatic 13

What is there to judge...? The phone!?

arienh4 0

Ever heard of call screening? To #1, you knew it's annoying, yet you did it anyway? We can SEE the #1, there's no need to say it.

Slim_Shadyy_fml 0

sometimes phones don't have caller ID's smart one.

Even if you don't have caller ID, after a second or two the telemarketer usually starts talking If that didn't happen then obviously it was someone else...?

YDI. Way to lose your temper after 2 calls.

oarisimo 4

exactly. try anger management

What if he was having a bad day? simple minded people annoy me..

Well now you know it was your crush, so how about you ask them out? At least now you know they like you. Just tell them the truth and what happened. Oh, lol, I would also scream after 2 calls. I don't blame you. But yea, I say FYL.

OH WOW, the ad for thats come up on the side of my screen is "WACKY PRANK CALLS want to prank call someone right now?" Good Job google ads.

and swearing would accomplish what? telemarketers are doing their jobs and if you yell at a pranker they just keep doing it

woahcomments 0

aw poor girl :( explain to her... maybe she'll understand? i'd be a bit freaked out though.

YDI... for one their phone could be fubared. Best is to say, "I can't hear you please call back" then hang up. If they keep calling forever grab the number. Call them back and say "I'd like to talk but I can't hear you or speak up." Don't judge because it made you look like an ass.