By LonnyLonnikins - 09/04/2009 05:07 - Canada

Today, I went to pick up my sister's wedding cake. It was a nice day, the shop was close, and the cake wasn't too big so I walked. On my way back, I stepped aside for a kid on a bike, tripped over my shoelaces, and dumped my sister's expensive, custom-designed cake. The wedding is tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 397
You deserved it 40 065

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you walk to pick up a cake like that? How stupid are you?

wow you're dead! but in your defense the cake should have been delivered


wow you're dead! but in your defense the cake should have been delivered

Oh mate that really sucks, I once had my boyfriends quite large 21st cake melt into the back seat of my car, but that was just a bit of cream and sugar, sounds like you annhiliated that cake. A terrible shame - i Love cake.

FYL, but don't the caterers usually handle the cake??

BEAT THAT CHILD!!! lol im kidding. You're screwed. Don't be writing on the site, you owe your sis a cake! GET UP! Do something...

woahcomments 0

it's called "caterers". they DO deliver the cake for you, you know.

BIKERS ON SIDEWALKS RUIN EVERYTHING. Sometimes i just feel the need to give them the people's elbow. Anyways, you can always get a Reeses/Oreo/Blizzard/Diabetes cake at Dairy Queen

Why would you walk to pick up a cake like that? How stupid are you?

#7 AHAHAHAHAHA I haven't heard anyone say the ppl's elbow in the longest time...made my day

You really deserved it for trusting yourself with something so relatively important. I'd much rather be safe than sorry.

#4 Not always, if you don't order the cake from the same company that caters...we also had to pick up our wedding cake the day before...