By liltravol23 - 15/01/2009 11:36 - United States

Today, the only cute girl in my office made fun of me because I'm 27 and bring fruit cups with my lunch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 214
You deserved it 4 646

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Words cant describe how delicous a fruit cup is.Period

You know... she could've been flirting with you...


Words cant describe how delicous a fruit cup is.Period

can someone tell me what a fruitcup is...?

CynicalBast 0

I love fruit cups. People at my work pick on me cause I eat apples and they eat candy.

You know... she could've been flirting with you...

pommeblossom 0

I would bring fruit cups to eat with you.

fruit cups own, especially with pb&j haha. her fat butt was probably just jealous =]

This seems like a really lame FML... poking fun at someone is the most basic way of flirting.

she deserves a smack in the face and doesn't deserve ANYONE if she actually goes out of her way to make fun of something you bring to eat for lunch. especially DELICIOUS FRUIT CUPS!!! agreeing with 19, this issss sort of a silly FML; but. really. i'm mad at the girl for being that way.

She was probably doing it in good fun, man. Lighten up a bit.