By CaptainSosuke - 27/01/2009 01:54 - United States

Today, I tripped over my own shoelace after explaining to my boyfriend that my shoes being untied were good luck for me. He then took that as the grand opportunity to tell me that we were breaking up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 875
You deserved it 8 454

Same thing different taste

Top comments

karelmart12 0

I wouldn't want to date someone dumb enough to think walking around with their shoes untied was good luck either. There's a difference between a sense of humor and sheer idiocy.


karelmart12 0
Mikebiff19632 0

next time tie ur damn shoes.. no need to embarras him like that

You can't really blame him. He probably thought you were crazy.

I wouldn't want to date someone dumb enough to think walking around with their shoes untied was good luck either. There's a difference between a sense of humor and sheer idiocy.

You sound like a.....weird person, OP. And judging by the name you put as the submitter, you like anime. You're probably one of those weird, overly clingy, socially awkward otaku people. Don't get me wrong, I like Japanese stuff. (See username.) But I'm not weird. You are. YDI.

Pyro_Panda 4

I hope you're kidding about OP being 6. 6 years old with a bf? that's amazing!