By Sanchez - 07/01/2010 17:22 - United States

Today, the doctor told me that I have Vasovagal Syncope: I pass out every time I get aroused. Bye bye sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 523
You deserved it 2 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that I terrible!! **** your life indeed!!

xo_candy 0

Don't they have medicine for that? fyl


haha i can imagine that "lets have sex baby....sanchez? sanchez?"

unless you find someone who loves to **** sleeping people :{)

kaleighjoxx 0

Damn. I have it too. I'm only fifteen and I'm now more scared than I already was. **** both of our lives.

lol snickerdoodles read your bio lol hilarious the last part the disclaimer, the last part of it was hilarious like ur sense of humor!!! lol

I have that too.... Hope I dont pass out during that

raychoee 7

I have that too!!! it sucks :/ take this steroid called fludrocort and it helps a lot

CateB 0

I have vasovagl too, but it only affects me when I see blood.

I have the exact same thing...but for a different reason D: in response to the question about medicine, no such medicine exists )':