By no, don't save me or nothing - 04/08/2013 16:53 - Canada - Woodstock

Today, some aggressive asshole was tailgating me on my way home, bumping into me twice. I got scared and kicked my car into high gear and got out of there. Seconds later, a traffic cop came out of nowhere and pulled me over for speeding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 817
You deserved it 8 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments

inkdeath87 18

Tell the officer what happened! Don't take the punishment for someone else's stupidity!!!

If he bumped into you twice, I hope you at least got call his information or at least his license!


Should have slammed on the breaks while he was doing it. He would be responsible. Say there was an animal crossing the road.

Cops are a rear pain in the ass. You should have definitely been a tattle-tail and let the cops know of his reckless driving.

Man, you're so right. What have cops ever done for anybody? I really hope when you need a cop, one doesn't show up.

You should have stopped completely when he hit you and called 911

sematariux 7

OP, why didn't you pull off to the shoulder of the road and get in behind the aggressive asshole?? Get his license plate and call him in to the police for wreckless driving

Maybe he was trying to get your attention so he could tell you something. Just a thought.

SilverWarrior 7

Fyl, but for future reference, just slam your brakes. His fault for being to close.

Next time the closer the guy get the slower u go he hits u call the cops get his plate number and tell the cops what happend

I would have called the police. They take things like that seriously. I've been in 2 similar situations. One time they told me to try to get them to follow me into the police station parking lot and the other time they actually came out and pulled the car over that was following me. There are better ways to deal with that situation.

I carry a tire iron for that reason. throw that car in park and call the cops. if he gets out grab the tire iron and make as much noise as possible to get someone else's attention for witnesses. if he goes around u. license plate and car make n model...