Woohoo, party time!

By Dp. - 27/03/2021 13:59

Today, after 22 years, I finally got promoted to senior tech. My wife bitched about the reheated lasagna and I drank a fifth of whiskey. A celebration dinner to remember FML
I agree, your life sucks 883
You deserved it 151

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your evening is what you make of it. If she had a shit day, she could have communicated rather than get upset over dinner. But she could have just picked something else to eat and saved it for the next day. Obviously, there must be ongoing issues in hers or both your personal/marital lives for it to be like this for a joyous occasion. Her attitude and in turn your choice in what way to drown it out. Perhaps its time for a celebratory counseling session?

Nothing better than a bit of memorable libation, OP 😙


Nothing better than a bit of memorable libation, OP 😙

Your evening is what you make of it. If she had a shit day, she could have communicated rather than get upset over dinner. But she could have just picked something else to eat and saved it for the next day. Obviously, there must be ongoing issues in hers or both your personal/marital lives for it to be like this for a joyous occasion. Her attitude and in turn your choice in what way to drown it out. Perhaps its time for a celebratory counseling session?