By duped - 15/08/2011 05:45 - Pakistan

Today, our cleaning lady's son came to our house claiming that his mother had died of a heart attack. We gave him her entire month's salary as well as some extra money. A few hours later, our cleaning lady turned up for work. Turns out she doesn't have a son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 398
You deserved it 22 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You probably should have verified his identity (and her death) first. Live and learn.

ToeJams 0

next time ask him what his mom's name is before you give him money...


codblackop2 3

hahaha **** up shit ay fuuuucking funny

honestly you should know about your cleaning lady whether she has children or not...

You didn't think to check his identity?

Stiggy626 25

there are very simple questions you can ask to determine if he's legit, but that's too hard. just give it to him in his word...

sarahcroy20 12

I'm assuming that either she hasn't been your cleaning lady for long or you never actually talked to her if you didn't know whether she had a son or not.