By Jules - 15/09/2017 17:00

Today, the first day of school, I threw up on my teacher in the middle of class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 370
You deserved it 294

Same thing different taste

Top comments

exileonmainst 16

Good, you've asserted dominance now. That'll make the teacher think twice before they teach again..

There's only one way to make things right. In order to balance thing out, you must now have diarrhoea on the principal. Trust me, at this point, it's really your only option.


exileonmainst 16

Good, you've asserted dominance now. That'll make the teacher think twice before they teach again..

There's only one way to make things right. In order to balance thing out, you must now have diarrhoea on the principal. Trust me, at this point, it's really your only option.

marysue354 10

at least she'll always remember you

really_dad? 14

Now beat up the toughest person. No one will **** with you anymore

Lobby_Bee 17

A puke a day, keeps the teachers away.

Hey this is my fml afterwords I went to the office with my teacher my teacher changed I went home afterward bout a week later I passed out and freaked the same teacher out I'm fine tho

Im_anonymousey 3

Trust me, you'll look back on this memory when you're done with school. And you'll actually love that you had such a memorable start. Good luck with the rest of the year!