By Snotmyfault - 11/01/2009 14:33 - United States

Today, at the age of 22, I started eating my boogers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 572
You deserved it 49 381

Same thing different taste

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Exposing your body to things like dirt, grime, snot, etc., is actually a healthy thing to do. By exposing your body to tiny amounts of germs like that, you're actually exposing your immune system in a fairly harmless way and boosting your immune system. Also, by placing the germs inside your mouth, where your immune system is constantly alert and working (saliva, tonsils, etc), it's relatively safe. May sound gross, but it's true. Still, you can get ill from this practise, so be aware. I suggest washing your hands often, at the least.

as long as noone sees you it's a victimless crime, mwa haha


as long as noone sees you it's a victimless crime, mwa haha

Exposing your body to things like dirt, grime, snot, etc., is actually a healthy thing to do. By exposing your body to tiny amounts of germs like that, you're actually exposing your immune system in a fairly harmless way and boosting your immune system. Also, by placing the germs inside your mouth, where your immune system is constantly alert and working (saliva, tonsils, etc), it's relatively safe. May sound gross, but it's true. Still, you can get ill from this practise, so be aware. I suggest washing your hands often, at the least.

htownlove 0

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I agree that it's nasty and I would never do it but my science teacher just the other day told me that people who eat them will be healthier and liv longer.:p

I was just thinking " hey this guy is pretty smart " when I noticed you spelled "practice" with an s.

shadowkiss13 0

No one gives a shit about it being healthy damn u remind me of my teacher....annoying OP thats super gross and do NOT do that in public

you are an idiot. "practice" is also spelt "practise" when refering to "do repeatedly as an exercise to improve a skill" which is what tjey were talking about, though i wouldn't call eating your boogers practising a skill...

doctor__who 19

"Practice" is spelled "practise" in many countries.

well.. its true that you learn something everyday! thanks for that info, quite interesting. ^_^ x

Easy_Target 0

Oh what the hell do you want, absolution?

Its OK as long as they are coke boogers. Don't let any of that precious powder go to waste!

lol when u r drinking coke and it gets in ur boogers... thats awesome =]

whoisthisgirl 4

and they were obviously joking smart one

or from any sort of wonderful drug that's up there! I seriously hope whoever said cokeacola was k

x_LC_x 0

That was really really difficult to read. I literally feel sick.

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wow bro thats kinda nasty but like #5 its actually true but i still wont do that cause its nasty lol

falloutgirl_fml 3