By Anonymous - 05/07/2012 19:10 - United States - Findlay

Today, my waiter turned to me and asked, "Let me guess, Miss I'm-not-fat-I'm-fluffy wants a diet coke?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 766
You deserved it 10 006

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, what an ass. dont let him/her get to you op!

I really hope you obeyed the cardinal rule of the food industry & waited til after you got your food before telling the waiter what you thought of them... If not, you ate something extra with your food... Pretty much gauranteed...


Shoulda tipped a penny and wrote a note saying "heres what I think your worth" lol

dominic1221 6

Yeah but nowhere in the FML does it state that the waiter's a grammar Nazi, so why would she bother misusing "your" like that? :/

deransc 19

You would think people who are so judgemental could use your and you're correctly. Apparently not :(

Obvious8 3

As a waiter, I see so many fat cows who think that because it says Diet it is good for them. You'll get the tubbies coming in and ordering the biggest meal they can, and then topping it off with a Diet Coke... more often than not, they'll have 3 or 4 glasses of it too.

I'm a big girl and I drink diet coke simply because I like it better than regular coke. Not everyone just drinks diet sodas because they have no calories. I think most diet beverages taste better than the regular ones.

Ok, just because a lot of fat people order diet cokes does not mean you can openly insult them, ESPECIALLY during your shift. It's just unprofessional, rude, and not needed during the work place. I'm guessing you are the waiter in the story or you have taken lessons from How-To-Get-Rapidly-Fired Fred Dickbred.

They're still not getting the added calories from the soda even if the meal is high-cal. One bad thing + one neutral thing is always going to be better than two bad things.

And your point is? Waiting tables is a tip-dependent job. There was no call for such a rude comment, no matter what the waiter thought or what OP looks like.

Obvious8: You don't know what your customers think, in all actuality, and you don't know exactly why they order the diet coke when they do. It also doesn't make sense to mock people for making a good choice when they have already made a bad choice. It is erroneous and illogical to suggest that one should do ALL-BAD or ALL-GOOD and nothing in-between (for the sake of dignity).

What's wrong with fat people drinking diet coke? It has no sugar!

still don't think diet is healthy either.. So much fake ingredients!

dj8798 9

it's none of your damn business what us fatties order. now do your job and serve me.

TheDrifter 23

I'd pay good money to see that.

You should have reported her. She would have been fired. If she said that to you, she must be mean to other people too.

You know what they say, guys who are mean to girls are just trying to flirt.

Well you know what they say, guys who are mean to girls are just trying to flirt. Just saying.

TheDrifter 23

Damn, did you break the first three booths you sat in or is he your ex? That's pretty brutal for an unprovoked insult, I can't see any other way op would deserve that.