By Lissa - 14/09/2016 00:00 - United States - Baldwin

Today, my stupid coworker informed the managers that there were no more kids' menus downstairs. Trusting her word, they ordered 3 full boxes. She then asked me where we kept them. We now have 12,000 kids menus to fold. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 749
You deserved it 969

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lexiieeex3 32

That's on the manager for trusting someone else's word without checking. Sorry you have to deal with the backlash of your coworker's ineptitude as a result OP.


Even if your manager ordered half of what she did, that would still be way too many menus for any one restaurant..

It really depends on the restaurant and the menus. In many places, kids' menus are use-once disposables that have drawing/marking games on them and sometimes double as placemats (these probably weren't placemats, as they needed to be folded). A large, popular "family" restaurant could go through 12,000 kids' menus in a matter of months.

It also makes no sense that they would just trust an average employee out of the blue. I would think they should have people keeping inventory of what they have after every day, so that they know when they need to order more.

I'm guessing this dumbass coworker plays dumb a lot to get out of working. You'll be in for a miserable time until they a) quit or b) get fired for some bigger FUBAR.

Tell her you keep them outside then lock her out.

lexiieeex3 32

That's on the manager for trusting someone else's word without checking. Sorry you have to deal with the backlash of your coworker's ineptitude as a result OP.

val_428 8

It's not on the manager to double check things like this. What is on the manager, though, is to hire competent employees. It is employee's job to know what they're doing.

lexiieeex3 32

And it's the manager's job to... Manage the employees and the establishment...

sylvienoir 18

Managers take that responsibility when they become managers. Whether they are directly or indirectly responsible does not matter, it's that it's their job in the end to double check stock (which seems to have been easy to do).

see if you can send some to another location if it is a chain restaurant

species4872 19

Distance yourself from this person, least you be drawn into the depths of idiocy which you may never able to escape, forever trapped in an endless cycle of mediocrity, your friends will abandon you, your family disown you. Forever trapped. Or just tell him/her to check properly next time and move on.

nightstalker94 18

Yeah, don't bother helping her since she made the stupid mistake. Don't pay for what she messed up.

It's all good, as long as they are done on their time (paid) and not in your own time.

Except for the possibly hundreds of dollars that would cost the business, since they already printed off the bastards. Keeping them is the best thing.