By me - 13/01/2011 20:48 - United States

Today, my daughter was expelled from her school for beating another kindergartener with a Dr. Seuss book. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 204
You deserved it 7 776

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sockmonkey_Ninja 0

haha gangster daughter. as long as she isn't mugging other kids of their milk cartons she'll prolly grow out of her violent stage.


What are you teaching your child? It sounds like she has been exposed to a lot of violence!

I stand by what I said. The daughter didn't just hit the other kid with a book, she BEAT the child so badly with it that she was expelled. I would be surprised if this was the first time she exhibited violent behavior. Schools usually don't expel a child for the first offense.

Great job on making numerous assumptions.

Hidan_fml 0

Thats what that kid got for touchin' her Dr. Seuss book.

Oh the places she will go if she continues this behavior into adulthood...

MarineWifey88 3

Gotta love how people can get all self righteous on the internet when they don't know the full story. One school suspended a 7 year old boy for putting a toy gun in a lego cop's hand. Schools take things too far anymore.

MarineWifey88 3

Honestly, 38, I can practically see your nose scraping the clouds.

Acousticpixie14 6
starfuryt550 3

you just know everything, don't you, mom? or should I say princess?

starfuryt550 3

haha I agree. I assume she or he is a bitch because of their judgement. I know I'm right cuz I'm always right.

38 could be right but the school could be over reacting. I had a friend suspended for a week because he let go of the door and it closed and hit a teacher on they way out. it depends on what school, what the person is like, and what you do after it.

Just becase a child hits doesn't mean she's seen a lot of violence. My daughter tried to bite a boy that was taking her shoe away last month, and I didn't step in- I wanted to see how it played out. He let her have the shoe, and she, having no idea I saw what happened has never done it since (or previously for that matter) My daughter gets pushed around by my friends kids pretty often, but she just has a gentle temperment. She has toys snatched away, so she'll go get another toy and offer it to the offender. She gets pushed down, and gets back up and laughs it off. We would totally let her defend herself by hitting back or yanking toys back if she tried, but she just DOESN'T. All of that being said, my daughter has seen action movies (that have violence) and watched my husband playing ps3 games with lots of violence. She gets pushed and hit by other kids, and she still doesn't go around beating kids with books. it doesn't take exposure to violence to make a kid aggressive, it takes getting pissed off to the point that you want to beat the stupid out of someone. OBVIOuSLY, that kid needed the stupid beaten out.

No, it really just sounds like he or she is like any other kid that age.

randiZ25 0

anyone commenting have kids??? because kids copy everything they see their parents do...

You obviously havent been in school for a long time. (Most) Schools these days have a no tollarence policy. ANY fighting, even just defending youself, will get you suspended.

Wow. I bit a kid once when I was in kindergarten, but I didn't get expelled. And from what I've heard from my family, I was a little violent as a kid. But now I can't hurt anything :P

fthku 13

PrincessRavishin, why do you keep watching your daughter getting pushed around and not doing anything?

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LightningLadyy 0

I'm pretty sure her kid was going to get expelled no matter what school they were in...

CumShott 0

you're retarded, could you please shut the **** up.

58 - If you're going to call someone retarded, can you please use proper capitalization and punctuation?

I would ******* beat the school boards asses with a book and then if no lightbulbs are turning on in their head I will complain to the school board and then if that dosent work **** THE WORLD AND **** SCHOOL

Sorry I meant other way around I know I know epic fail

chele2382 5

How is it the school that is retarded? Why even blame the school at all?! At the age of 5, kids are literally a sponge. That behavior either scared the crap out of the other kids or could have showed them that it's ok to pick up a blunt object and beat the ever loving crap out of someone. I say to the OP: YDI for not teaching your kid appropriate social skills. I see upwards of 200 kids enter kindergarten every year. And the majority of them are from parents like the OP. They don't teach them a damn thing and then moan about how their life is so hard. If you are not going to teach your kid how behave appropriately, then no, it is not an FML. It is a major YDI with a slap in the face.

Sockmonkey_Ninja 0

haha gangster daughter. as long as she isn't mugging other kids of their milk cartons she'll prolly grow out of her violent stage.

LightningLadyy 0

Hahaha, I can see a little gangsta kid beating up other kids for milk and crayons as the start of their rebel life.

totally agree with 5! Your kid is BADASS!<3

Her daughters the GIRL not a MAN. And i agree -185

Incredibly_Dope 0

That's one Cat In The Hat I can't miss! Green Eggs and my daughter goes h.a.m.

Kindergarten is a brainwashing function anyway...Perhaps your daughter can develop into a freethinker now; that is, if her parents don't project egotistic biases on her.

yaksandyetis 0

131- you have the exact same eye colour as me!

176... something tells me those are contacts(or photoshopped).. and probably not their own eyes anyways. And I'm also fairly positive no one cares if you have strange, glowing, abnormally colored eyes... @OP your daughter sounds like the next Chuck Norris..

217 I care I think that eye color is awesome and she's beautiful

222 - I never said she wasn't beautiful, but the eye colour she is claiming to have is rather unnatural looking. And this is FML, she didn't even have anything relevant to say regarding the post so...

IneffableLullaby 13

What a violent little child you have on your hands. Hahaha. How exactly are you raising your child? Or is it because you're not raising her that she's so...expressive and undisciplined? :p

starfuryt550 3

how do you know everything? Congrats captain smarty pants.

Wow a seuss book? That's hardcore... but wat did the other kid do to piss her off?

FMLephant 2

"Say you like green eggs and ham! Say it bitch"

This_is_funny 0

Hahahahahahahahaha at #72!! I just pictures a kid doing that and burst out laughing.

selene1_fml 0

Oh wow your daigher is violent!! ::///

Yeah, hitting someone with a book when you're five is totes violent! Gosh, that kid is going to grow up to be a murderer and stuff!

MarineWifey88 3

Did the other kid deserve it? My 2 sisters and I all got into a few fights at school, but never got in trouble because they were all provoked. Lol My mom took us out for ice cream, we were taught not to pick fights but to stand up for ourselves.

ha! same- my mom totally took me out for ice cream too. the last time I was suspended for fighting it was for punching a guy in the face for making derogatory remarks. he was three times my size, and it was basically ineffective- but, I got ice cream and 5 days off! awwwwe yeaaaa