By AllieOops - 17/08/2011 09:14 - United States

Today, my roommate told me that unscented deodorant prevents ingrown hairs on the bikini line. She shared this beauty tip with me when I caught her using my Lady Speed Stick on her snatch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 596
You deserved it 3 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mashamanya 0

is it true? that it prevents ingrowns?


kenziem18 0
laff1234 4

Yes it is true. The Dove Go Sleeveless works the best. It creates a barrier so your underwear and pants don't rub and irritate the skin.

perdix 29

Now, you've got "Scent of a Woman" scented Lady Speed Stick now. Al Pacino says, "Hoo-hah!" A skanky smelling Speed Stick is a cheap price to pay for such esoteric knowledge. Consider it your tuition to the School of Edible Pussy.

simplylost643 0

Virgina?!? Who the hell comes up with this stuff?

hopefully she never tells you toothbrushes remove crabs....

theonlysweetpea 10

better be careful...she mite be using ur other stuff

Carol57 2

wrap the deodorant in gift wrap and say, "Merry Christmas"...use my personal care products any more and I will kick your ass out the door!