By so_screwed - 25/09/2013 06:59 - United States - Salinas

Today, my one-night stand decided he wanted to meet my parents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 497
You deserved it 13 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like its time to buy another night stand....

The only thing to do here is make it clear to him that it was just that: a one-night stand.


AussieChick101 13

Why must this comment be on every relationship related FML?

People are still learning that unlike the rest of the Internet, parroting phrases doesn't earn approval on FML.

People are still learning that unlike the rest of the Internet, parroting phrases doesn't earn approval on FML.

RedPillSucks 31

@43 Number of thumbs up == mind blown

Spider_Web 11

If he's using the app he must've checked for spelling fifty times before posting..

same reason why "sounds like a shitty situation" is commented on every FML related to poop.

Well you clearly made an lasting impression the night before in the sack. If the feelings mutual the go with it

TyT63 12
Missyeru 14

Run!! If after a one night stand he wants to meet your parents, after a week he'll wanna marry you!!

So, the answer is no. it's that simple. You say no, and tell him to not contact you.

jasmine2301 25

Why do you need to 'buy' to have sex with people? Get yourself a boyfriend OP. Pretty pathetic.

What if there's no one she's in love with? You don't just go out on the street and pick a guy to be your boyfriend, you know.

Jasmine - Right you are. In fact, let's take it a step further and demand that OP get a husband. This isn't 1952. Casual sex is perfectly acceptable these days.

Why do you assume everyone wants to be in a committed relationship? You're pathetic if you assume your ideal relationship works for everyone else.

Where in the FML did they say that they bought it? I'm pretty sure if she paid for it, that would make him a prostitute, not a one night stand.

Rent some hobos to play the part of parents. Test his love!

Well maybe you shouldn't have one night stands you kind of deserve it and it was probably difficult when you probably live with mommy and daddy sorry op but it's your own fought

Oh where to start? 1) Run on sentences make people cringe. Learn punctuation. 2) Assumptions make you look like an imbecile. Nowhere is it even hinted that OP lives with her parents. 3) Fought? Seriously? I'm trying to figure out how this could possibly be a typo, but I just can't. F-A-U-L-T

It's ok, guys. I read his profile, and he's "very good looking". I assume this means he thinks the females will automatically forgive his judgmental conclusions or his terrible writing skills. Wait...

not good looking enough to put up with his douchebag attitude. (not good looking really at all) and im a serious spelling/grammer nazi, so I wanted to punch him just on principle.

37: "im a serious spelling/grammer nazi" should read "I'm a serious spelling/grammar Nazi". That's not even the only mistake you made.

Wait. What? We STILL can't upvote staff comments?

52, Really, really, ridiculously good-looking?

"Mom, dad, this is the guy I ****** last night. I don't know his name, so he'll have to introduce himself. Honey?"

RedPillSucks 31

Only to find out that dad knew his name from a previous "one night stand"