By Coaldust - 03/01/2017 02:02

Today, my niece stole a bottle of whiskey from me to mix with Monster and get drunk with her boyfriend. It was a bottle of 23-year-old Pappy Van Winkle's that cost over $2000. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 614
You deserved it 1 995

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Make her pay for it. Every last penny, no matter how long it takes her. Adjust for inflation if you're feeling particularly aggrieved.

Squeepy 19

And where did you end up hiding her body?


Hold on. She thought monster would taste good with whiskey?

I don't think we're dealing with a connoisseur, here.

Most dumb kids don't know how to appreciate the taste of a fine liquor, they often just drink to get hammered. Maybe the purpose of the Monster was to make the taste more tolerable to them, but I'm assuming it was mainly for the rush from combining alcohol and stimulants. Whatever the stunted thought process behind this was, I hope the niece is being held fully accountable! Two grand and over two decades of aging, wasted (no pun intended).

she must be from the generation that thinks crown taste good with mountain dew ?

TanzWolf 26

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tantanpanda 26

Excuse OP for thinking that the whisky is safe in his own home. Maybe it should just be kept under the bed or something so that it's "safe".

Or maybe her parents should do a better job of instilling basic morals and logic in their daughter.

species4872 19

<p>&nbsp;Even parents can't compensate for stupid.</p>

Make her pay for it. Every last penny, no matter how long it takes her. Adjust for inflation if you're feeling particularly aggrieved.

Also educate her on the finer points of whiskey. As in don't mix ******* whiskey with monster!

At least she's got good taste, take away the monster though.

Nieces: get your shit together! This isn't the first time today you've ****** things up.

Woah, time to talk to her about a payment plan!

Monster is a sophisticated melange of subtle flavor notes, so it deserves top-shelf bourbon to complement it for the discriminating palette. You couldn't expect your niece to ruin Monster with Everclear or Listerine?

Squeepy 19

And where did you end up hiding her body?

Now we're asking the real questions.

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It may have been a gift, or kept for a very special occasion. My fiancé has a bottle of whiskey worth close to $500 which we only bring out when we are celebrating something. Just because someone owns something worth $2000 doesn't mean they have to forfeit the right to disappointment when someone takes it away from them. Also bottles of that price range are usually aged and yes, you can taste the difference.

1. It wouldn't matter if you "can't tell the difference. 2. The point is that it was his property and it actully was worth thousands of dollars. 3. You can most definitely tell the difference. 4. It might not have been to "show off" for "friends" something worth that much could easily be a family heirloom or a gift for an important life event like a college graduation or a marriage. 5. Or maybe it was just something he worked his ass off for and saved up his own money to purchase for himself. In any event she had no right to steal it (and ruin it in an honestly offensive way if you actually appreciate top shelf liquor).

Also, some whiskeys are bought as an investment and increase in value over time.