By mrandmrsanon - 02/01/2017 17:23 - United States - Victoria

Today, my internet got shut off. Apparently off-brand "Avengers" porn is better copyright-protected than the actual movie. We looked it up as a joke, didn't watch the whole thing, and now have to visit the Suddenlink office to get our internet back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 056
You deserved it 1 355

mrandmrsanon tells us more.

OP here, don't know how to make this comment "OP Official" but anyway. I didn't download or torrent it, it was just a quick search. Apparently there's a huge industry for box office hit themed pornos. Our internet only opened up to a suddenlink page about the "copyright infringement" and all I had to do was check a box that we wouldn't do it again. Problem solved. Mild embarrassment, worth the laugh. And worth getting an FML published.

Top comments

enticingmudkip 4

100% my favorite part about working for Suddenlink was handling these calls. And yes, I get to read the titles out to an increasingly mortified customer.

Wow! I've never heard of that actually happening. Sorry OP.


dca101 23

Why were you looking up Avengers **** in the first place?

As a joke, like it literally says if you read the FML...

dca101 23

Who looks up shit like that as a joke though even?

Wow! I've never heard of that actually happening. Sorry OP.

Which one? The Incredible Bulk, (I'll Make Your Ass) Thor, Iron Man, Low-Key?

THOR'S HAMMER... well, I actually did nothing to alter that one. I'm on to you Marvel.

YDI for looking up the "off-brand" ****. Next time your curiosity is piqued, look up the officially-sanctioned Marvel-branded scenes featuring Tony Stark balls deep in green ass before Black Widow and Cap join in.

jaredofmo 22

<p>Darn right! My Avengers **** better have Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth showing some serious pipe!</p>

jaredofmo 22

I'm guessing you torrented it as they can't get you for just downloading something, but since torrenting is downloading and uploading at the same time, that's the catch. Just don't torrent. Legality aside, all the good sites are gone and the ones that are left are fishy and messing around with them could get you a virus. If you were just curious, the official **** sites usually have trailers or clips. So yeah, YDI.

netwizard2003 6

ROFL good luck! If you're internet gets cut off, it's gone for 6 months. Nothing Suddenlink can do about it. It's a law. I work for them. I release DMCA claims all the time.

Suddenlink is a real stickler for copy right infringement. Been there done that with them! To say the least my relationship with Suddenlink broke up my relationship with Pirate Bay and torrents in general :-/

netwizard2003 6

I can tell you, it's not Suddenlink's fault. We are required to notify of the infringement(s) to the account holder.

alicat089 18

I have suddenlink too. (Louisiana) they're TERRIBLE. I don't use my WiFi when I look anything up anymore. thank goodness for unlimited data

enticingmudkip 4

100% my favorite part about working for Suddenlink was handling these calls. And yes, I get to read the titles out to an increasingly mortified customer.

netwizard2003 6

*tech support first bump* Most common response, 'I didn't do it'. or 'What computer did it?' and yes I've done a DMCA release for ****.