Anonymous is typing…

By Anonymous - 02/05/2023 05:00 - United Kingdom - Hounslow

Today, I finally wrote a DM to the girl I'm in love with, telling her not to say yes if her ex asked her out, and instead to go out with me. I then chickened out and deleted the message, but then realised she'd still get the notification on her phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 149
You deserved it 869

Same thing different taste

Top comments

love is a risk. glad you got it off your chest though. good luck and keep your chin up if it doesn't work in your favor

Well, now she'll definitely go out with her ex as he likely has a pair of balls. She can't be sure about you.


love is a risk. glad you got it off your chest though. good luck and keep your chin up if it doesn't work in your favor

Well, now she'll definitely go out with her ex as he likely has a pair of balls. She can't be sure about you.

FFS, just grow a pair and ask her out to coffee.