Change the locks

By Ozzie - 29/09/2017 19:00 - Australia - Perth

Today, my 81-year-old mother threw out the packaging for a 3-day-old $1,700 monitor I was going to return due to a defect. I live in my own home, but she randomly visits to "clean up" without asking me. Now I'm stuck with an expensive, defective monitor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 618
You deserved it 693

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get smart. Go buy another one. Take the packaging from that one, Return the defective one in the new packaging with the new receipt angrily demanding your money back for selling such crap for that amount of money. Problem solved.

Change you locks! Make sure your mom never gets in again without your being there. While I sympathize with the loss to OP - This was entirely preventable had he established boundaries a long time ago.


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Donut_Wizard 23

Don't get mad, get glad. Don't get glad, get even.

She probably WILL forget it...age is not kind to one's memory.

ExplainingTheOtherside 8

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Make hey pay. At this price, I'd even consider legal action if she refuses.

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No, I'm not American. And I'm not saying go sure her right away. However, if someone goes into your place and randomly throws things out without asking, they will have to stand up for the problems they cause no matter how old they are. It's called taking responsibility for your actions. Hence the expectation of having her pay for the damage she causes (or having her insurance cover, if applicable) I agree there should be some kind of warranty. The post made it seem like there's none, though. So I'm going with that, not knowing OP's legal situation.

1. The garbage elitism is real. 2. You have no idea how warranties work 99% of the time. Sincerely, a proud American retail worker.

Jeremy Strang 7

Breaking into someone's house against their wishes is more that "slightly intrusive". And her intent wasn't "good", it was to control. She "cleans up" so she can keep tabs on him.

Who on Earth said anything about breaking in? This site is rife with people who make massive assumptions. How do you know she didn't have a key? My mother pops over to my house to tidy up when I'm working long hours on projects at work because she LOVES me, not because she's trying to be controlling. The little old lady probably thought she was doing a favour by throwing rubbish away. So judgemental. Also on the city the OP is from if you tried to sue your mother for throwing away rubbish you'd be ridiculed by your friends, family, colleagues and any lawyer you tried to approach ??

julfunky 29

This comment would be more appreciated by people if you hadn't just unnecessarily insulted an entire country. You claimed they are judgmental in your other comment yet here you are doing the same thing.

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Get smart. Go buy another one. Take the packaging from that one, Return the defective one in the new packaging with the new receipt angrily demanding your money back for selling such crap for that amount of money. Problem solved.

this would work with a 99cent toy, or most other products, but a monitor has serial numbers on the back, and the same serial number on the box, if they dont match, you go to jail for fraud. do not do this.

There are legal matters to consider here, where I live they would only be obliged to repair it or replace it if you want to return it for being defective. Then you would be stuck with two fully functioning monitors (which might not be the worst but still). My scout group ended up with three identical tents rather than one due to some misunderstandings and coincidences regarding this.

I do this when I throw away the packaging and the item fails within 30 days or so. But, OP's monitor may have a serial number on it, and it may have to match the serial on the box. Who knows. With a receipt he should be fine to return it, especially if it has a serial number to match the receipt! People throw their packaging away all the time. Just ask for a replacement!

Rafa1210 4

Go buy another one and use the packaging to take back the broke one......DUH

FireS Pitt In kitten 2

Change you locks! Make sure your mom never gets in again without your being there. While I sympathize with the loss to OP - This was entirely preventable had he established boundaries a long time ago.

Jeremy Strang 7

Set boundaries. Change locks. Involve the police if necessary. Family ties aren't a magic spell, and they don't entitle anyone to screw with anyone else's life.