By lukas - 11/01/2014 00:24 - Canada - Lyndhurst

Today, my new neighbor asked if I could keep my dog from yapping during the evenings, because it kept him awake last night. I don't have a dog, but I apologized anyway. I didn't have the heart to admit that those are the sounds my girlfriend makes during sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 922
You deserved it 8 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're taking doggy style to a whole different level!


Maybe she's too wound up before sex. You should take her for a walk first.

Eeeppppp. ******* shit, The sex better be good.

Try missionary and just kiss...that's probably the only option...or talk to her about it...hope it gets resolved...

Introduce your Husky to your neighbor's Chihuahua

If i made noises while having sex that sounded like a dog yapping I'd personally be very embarrassed of myself and if i was a man i don't care how good the sex was I'd be laughing at my gf for sounding like a dog!

How close are the homes, to each other??