By AirOne - 12/11/2008 14:39 - United States

Today, right after sex, my girlfriend apologized to the neighbor for the screaming. He thanked her for the entertainment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 671
You deserved it 10 825

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dude... you are getting laid... your woman is obviously enjoying it... she is not ashamed of it... and your neighbor is cool with it? If these are bad things for you, I will gladly come fill in for you.


That's funny as hell!!! You should be proud not FML you selfish depressed prick

...God, number 9, was that called for? Anyway, you have cool neighbors.

Dude... you are getting laid... your woman is obviously enjoying it... she is not ashamed of it... and your neighbor is cool with it? If these are bad things for you, I will gladly come fill in for you.

I think the FML lies in the fact that he thinks the neighbour is getting off on listening to them have sex

Why is this a FML? it sounds like you're pretty good and neihbor is awesome

Empleh 4

Still waiting on the FML. That is a good thing bro.

haha, nice, even the neighbours are enjoying it! you must be doing an excellent job.

Sportsfreak2034 0