By lukas - 11/01/2014 00:24 - Canada - Lyndhurst

Today, my new neighbor asked if I could keep my dog from yapping during the evenings, because it kept him awake last night. I don't have a dog, but I apologized anyway. I didn't have the heart to admit that those are the sounds my girlfriend makes during sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 922
You deserved it 8 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're taking doggy style to a whole different level!


No matter how many times I read this, I still laugh. Tell your girlfriend I said woof.

October3461 12

that was sweet of you not to embarrass your girlfriend in front of your neighbors just next time tell her to not take the whole doggy style literal

maybe she took the doggie style a bit too far

Insert doggystyle, animal in bed, and shes a bitch jokes here :

olpally 32

They've already said them on the first page. You're late by an hour or so already. Haha.

kellyem2 20

Probably best for everyone involved that you kept that tidbit to yourself.

I heartily recommend watching an old movie called "Porky's" for the scene where the young gym coach gets busy with the young female gym coach. :)

Brings 'getting some tail' to a whole new level

You deserve it... In a good way! Enjoy the good sex, you two!