By Oja1 - 16/12/2011 04:26 - United States

Today, my mother sold my extensive Star Wars collection, and I cried when I found out. I'm 46. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 550
You deserved it 27 573

Same thing different taste


Nebulas_n_Novas 7

If it was that important to you, why did your mom have it?

If he collects star wars figures at that age I can see him either living at home, or just recently moving into his own place. You never know, she might have sold it to try and get him money for his own place!

AsianCookie247 14

He probably lives with his mother and she sold it without him knowing, just a guess. After all, he's 46 and crying over action figures.. Seems like a logical explanation

Yes but the action figures he was crying over were probably highly expensive pieces and probably sold for next to nothing... It's kind of like you gradually buying pieces of a bugatti and finally having it built (let us say it took you 30 years, which I'm sure his collection did) then your mum taking the keys and selling it for £10... You'd cry too.

Mister_Triangle 21

Maybe he had this collection from his childhood and left it at his parents house when he moved out. His mom got tired is being a storage unit and sold it all, not realizing that her son still wanted them forth future

80- If I had a buggatti and my mom sold it for ANY amount of money, I'd go on a killing spree.

That's my point. The bugatti would mean A LOT to you, same as his extensive collection would mean to him.

It isn't always about its worth in cash. I bet it had very high sentimental value to him. I'm sure it was worth quite a bit though.

sleepRX 16

I personally don't believe chronological age has anything to do with a passion or hobby, and I'm sorry your mom didn't seem to understand.

Jewnut 0

I would have cried out of anger. Did she atleast give you the money

mynameispickle 0

Umm if you're 46 how did your mother have access to your Star Wars collection? And I think that was quite rude of her.

Not to stereotype but 46, star wars fan, and probably lives with mommy. nope never heard that before. haha

46 actually more likely left his star wars collection in his room when he moved as it would be a hassle when you rent and/or possibly move a lot before you get your home, and by then just figure it's not worth the trouble to move the entire collection.

SpruceDread4578 13

He could be storing it there, maybe he was moving and needed a place to keep his stuff until he settled down, or he lived with the mom or vise versa. Either way, I'd be really pissed too. They are priceless to him, and she probably sold them close to nothing. That's what really sucks. It the most valuable thing to him, and she sells it for nearly nothing.

My boyfriend still has stuff at his mom's house that he's keeping there because we have no fricking room for it. It's possible it's the same scenario here. If the Star Wars collection is extensive, it probably takes up a room, or at the very least the wall of a room, which is something he may not have if he has a small apartment or a house with children in it. Just saying.

Zoh_Aubrey 8

Nearly 50 and still living with mommy?

23's poignant observation suggests he still lives with his mommy and has never experienced the things you don't want to take with you for various reasons when you move out.

ninjuh_wingman 29

There comes a point when crying over Star Wars is just plain sad.

Things that are sad are what make you cry.

Really now, you wouldn't cry over something that had both huge monetary and sentimental value? Don't bullshit us.

flame2011 6

Well that was mean of her! I hope she at least gave u the money?

I think your age makes this a bigger fml not because you collect Star Wars memorabilia and not because you cried, but because that indicates your collection would have included some vintage originals, which I'm sure were quite valuable. I'd cry too.

Considering this extensive Star Wars collection could easily contain original, rare and very very expensive articles, I can understand why the OP cried. Not only the sentimental value, but a large monetary value- one that the mother probably would not of known. She probably sold the collection for far far far less than it was worth. And who says the OP lives at home? Plenty of people give a spare key to their parents in case of emergency.

Hopefully most parents don't use spare keys to break into their middle-aged children's homes to hock their valuables.

KVKdragon 26

You'd be surprised. The parents portrayed in these FMLs can be horrible enough to do something like that.