By Anonymous - 30/10/2009 14:23 - United States

Today, my mother sent my birthday present to me four days late. It was a handy keychain blood alcohol detector so I can make sure I'm sober before I drive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 847
You deserved it 7 695

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like a gag gift my Dad would give me, even though I'm too much of a wuss to drink. I'll kill myself slowly with cola, thanks.

My older brother just died because he was hit by a drunk driver. I think it's a thoughtful gift to give someone. It shows they care.


you're so right, don't u hate when your mom just wants you to take good care of yourself? What a bitch, definitely a FYI...

that's fricken awesome! I don't see how that's bad?!

God you guys are dumb it's an FML because the present got there four days after she got a DUI there for it was late for the ticket not the birthday. FML for reading all these ridiculous comments from people that have to have everything written out word for word.

Wtf that's a pretty neat gift.. I know it would backfire for a lot of people just like those stupid signs that tell you your speed.. Everyone wants the high score!

look on the brightside op, you got a free gift, and someone's looking out for your well being! :)

Hey..this isn't bad! Its apparent she cares a's for your own safety ^_^

Umm this is actually an awesome gift. I want one.