By kb - 18/11/2013 06:38 - United States

Today, my mother gave me a bottle of stool softeners as a gift at my baby shower. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 673
You deserved it 4 042

Same thing different taste

Top comments


If you don't need them now, you'll definitely need them after you give birth!

MysticOblivion 4

If you've never had a kid before you don't know how much that actually helps.

Believe me, if you're having a natural birth, you will be very grateful for those before long.

SarahBearah1995 11

You will need them after having a baby! It may not be a typical shower gift, but you will definitely be thankful for them. :) pushing a baby out makes everything hurt down there. The last thing you want to have to do is strain to go to the bathroom.

There will be a time when you're going to be grateful for it. Take it with a bit of humor and use it when (not if, because you will) you need it!

Like some are saying, it can be a godsend after the baby is born. I tend to do health packs for the bub (thermometer, ear cleaners, soap, baby panadol etc) but also include Ural as I know how much it can help those mums who don't have a Caesarean. If that was all she got you and nothing else, then yes, it's an FML.

sierra142 19

Even after a c section they are needed!

MsMourningStar 22

That's actually a pretty awesome gift. But you won't appreciate it until the baby is constipated for the first time.

I'm pretty sure that they are not for the baby... They are for mom.

Lookonthesunnysi 10
ZomBgal 12

You'll thank her after you have the first bm after giving birth...