By kb - 18/11/2013 06:38 - United States

Today, my mother gave me a bottle of stool softeners as a gift at my baby shower. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 673
You deserved it 4 042

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You gun need them maybe she was just trying to be nice

You'll thank her, trust me. First poop after baby made me cry.

To be fair, you might need it... Although chocolate probably would have been a better gift!

Actually a very thoughtful gift. I mean, not extravagant, but if you tear during delivery of have a c-section, those things are a godsend.

OMG! That I so funny but not funny at the same time!!:)

yellowzinnias 20

Trust me honey, they might not be the cutest gifts and they might be a bit embarrassing, but you will soon realize that those stool softeners and a tube of Boudreaux's Butt Paste are the best gift anyone could ever give a pregnant woman.

Anybody that has given birth to a baby knows that this is actually a wonderful gift. Stop being such a brat, you'll appreciate it after you push out a freaking watermelon. The only thing you need more than this, is soft toilet paper to take to the hospital with you.

I can imagine this is on that baby shower episode where (forgot name) gets all presents and stuff. Chandler just hands them to her and she's just like wtf chandler