I am what I am

By MimiFufu - 22/09/2019 16:00

Today, yet again I got delayed in airport security. One month ago, I thought it was a good idea to wear make-up when renewing my passport. It turns out I look nothing like myself without makeup. Hello shattered confidence and 5 years of needing to wear makeup for every flight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 363
You deserved it 1 055

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if you look completely different without makeup then that's your first clue you're using way way too much. ydi

wow how much do you feel you need to put on? That's sad.


Why would you get on a flight looking like death warmed over? What if the guy sitting next to you were hot? I once heard that you should always dress up for a flight because if there's an opening in first class, they'll be more likely to pick you.

TinScarecrow 15

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if you look completely different without makeup then that's your first clue you're using way way too much. ydi

wow how much do you feel you need to put on? That's sad.

I have the same problem with my ID. When the picture was taken I had long hair and a full beard with contacts. I spent a year working in a restaurant during which time I kept my hair short, clean shaven and wore my glasses. It bloody happens.