By nopleasestopmother - 02/05/2014 23:03 - United States - Lake Mills

Today, my mother asked me why I disliked her and my father's nakedness in the family pool. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 490
You deserved it 3 671

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, that's an image you are never going to get out of your head... Sorry OP!


euphoricness 28
oddities 20

Yes, because that's the problem with seeing your parents naked in the pool.

Even if my parents were models i still wouldn't want to see my OWN parents nude..

Omg, I hope you're not fat. But seriously the plain and simple fact that they are in their birthday suits for everyone, plus OP to see. And it is disturbing. (●>ω<●)

I don't think by having skinny or fit parents it would make the situation any better..I believe you missed the point of this FML post :)

Just because they used those parts to make you, doesn't mean you want to see them ever! NEVER EVER!

olpally 32

DURTTTYYYY!! Time to start drinking to get rid of that image. Good god.

Yes #16 that is the solution so OP can become an alcoholic.

olpally 32

I didn't say become an alcoholic did I? No, just a night of drinking to forget that image. Ugh.

Some times I wonder why people question things like should be obvious

I saw my dad naked all the time. We went to the gym together for years and afterwards we'd hit the hot tub and the sauna. Some of the best father-son bonding of my life. So I for one don't see a big deal about parentla nudity.

karo_mit_k 11

For me it's totally normal to go for a swim with my parents to a public lake. They are naked but I am not. During the day. Maybe it's a cultural thing. Everybody knows the human anatomy so why is it such a big deal for you guys? Nobody cares if you wear a bathing suit or not over here. As if this little piece of cloth would matter.

Meh. Your parents were naked in the pool, big whoop. What's so gross about it?

A lot of you seem to think its disgusting and I know that's not a feeling that would change, but isn't that how homophobes feel? Yet their feelings of disgust doesn't mean gays should have less rights... just like OP's parents can be nude in their own home. OP may think its gross and that's fine and he COULD talk to them about it but ultimately, its his problem, not theirs. They can do what they want if its not hurting anyone, and if someone thinks its gross, so what? You only think its gross because that's what your culture raised you to think and you can try hard to justify your feelings of disgust but the truth is that the parents aren't doing anything wrong by being nude and its a perfectly good question to ask WHY one would be upset by it. If you think its so obvious why it would be upsetting, why not explain it?

Because when I think of someone being naked around me, i'm probably not thinking about bonding with my parents.

I'm pretty sure there's a huge difference in seeing your parents naked and being a homophobe, considering the latter actively do fight against giving homosexuals the same rights as heterosexuals.

I don't think they're the same at all, I was simply comparing two similar aspects of the situations. Both involve the feeling of disgust causing one to think something shouldn't happen. Yet there is no rational explanation for why it shouldn't happen. OPs parents can be naked if they want to. They're not hurting anyone. Someone's feelings of disgust, however, might lead one to think up reasons to justify their feelings. For example, 'its unhygienic, people could spread diseases that way' even though the spread of disease by those actions is no more of a risk than if those actions were not taken.

RedPillSucks 31

Actually, there is a rational explanation. While I agree with you that nudity isn't bad, this particular cultural taboo has to do with avoiding incest.

Incest? Unless someone has something pathologically wrong with them, I don't think glimpsing a family member naked is going to turn them on. A naked body isn't an invitation for sex.

Don't...don't compare homophobia to this.

RedPillSucks 31

The cultural taboo has nothing to do with homophobia. Both genders are involved, so that's certainly not it

Unfortunately, any attempts at answering this questions are probably simply trying to justify their feelings of disgust after already making up their minds about how they feel. The 'rational' part of them trying to answer this question is not rational thinking at all, its just a desperate attempt at explaining their initial feelings of disgust, which are actually just automatic feelings from seeing nudity for someone brought up in this culture.

This person never claimed the parents were ever naked in the pool infront of them, just that the parents swim nude in the family pool. I think it is gross myself, because skin sheds, and hairs fall out... I wouldn't want ANYONES pubes floating in my pool water. Not to mention, often little kids accidentally inhale pool water.... Just think about swallowing that!!!

tazmanmike2013 17

You have more problems from people who wear swim suits farting in pools and releasing the little bits of feces than you'll ever have from nude people dropping a few stray pubes. This is according to a news story I read last year about unsafe ecoli levels in public pools. So what if the parents swim naked. If the OP doesn't like it, don't use the pool when they are in it or the parents can be asked to stop if the OP wants to join them.

So, "skin sheds, and hairs fall out?" Oh, and "pubes" ... and "swallowing;" I mean just *think of the children!* And you somehow believe that wearing a swimsuit stops this? And this is your reasoning for not swimming naked? Beyond the realm of swimwear are there any other magical garments you believe in?

Unfortunately the whole thing about nude swimming being unsanitary is something made up on the spot to support their initial feelings of disgust. There is actually no real reason why people shouldn't swim naked.

@Thunderstruck14 Except for the fact that most of us have no desire to see our parents naked. it's not because I'm disgusted by seeing someone naked, I just really don't want that person to be my parent. so shut the **** up and stop speaking for the rest of us, because I'm quite sure you don't know shit about what goes on inside anyone's head except your own pathetic one.