By mommysgirlapparently - 29/10/2010 03:17 - United States

Today, my mom was on my Facebook and saw a chick leave a nasty comment on my status. My mom commented back something awful and really bitchy. My mom still fights my fights for me. I'm 20. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 741
You deserved it 8 051

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mom who still cares isn't the worst thing in the world.


It's too bad you can't see that it's actually pretty cool for her to stick up for you.

Wouldn't most FML's have a similar situation but instead the Mom and bitchy chick would be agreeing with each other and spend who knows talking out how much the OP sucks?

"Oh noes! My mommy defended me on a website!" Stop whining and be glad she cares about you. If you don't want her commenting on your posts, change your Facebook settings.

camjgog_88 0

Wow Aurianna, even FML's comment tag is "Speak your mind, but please try and be respectful." That's what Amanda was telling you the entire time! She's not an asshole like your mom said. It's common courtesy. ----- A.L. (OP's Status): I guess I'm the only one who remembers him as being an asshole. Oh well rip m* and my thoughts go out to L*. (tons of comments before these next few, from other people.) A.C. (Chick who posted the nasty comment): you can have an opinion & the right to voice it but also goes along with the time and place. this isn't the time for snide remarks covered up in a farewell. next time, you should save your piece for a private conversation. what you said, be it true or not, was rude. A.C. (after other people opposed the discussion) he could have been the meanest jerk to you but when you say hurtful things after their deaths, you aren't hurting them, you're hurting everyone around them. A.C. its not suddenly showing respect for the person who died, its having respect for the family and anyone who might read the comment. A.M. (Mom who backed her daughter up): Who? Who cares bout this guy, what REALLY matters is the death of paul the world cup fortune telling octopus... rip paul rip. And yes condolonces to laura even though I have never met you..... In b4: your an asshole. ----- you should rethink this 'fml' and try (like someone else said, i read) 'gtfu'...... hehe that was good,thumbs up you

I'm probably going to get blasted for this just because everyone is saying the complete opposite, BUT I think it's really pathetic that your mom is starting internet fights with children. She sounds immature and rude. Oh, and I think she might still be stuck in high school.

DGAFprincess 0

at least your brother doesn't threaten to knock out every person who looks at you cross eyed... including your instructor at school "/