Smells like… victory

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, they're pumping out the septic system in the building next door. I'm three months pregnant, suffering from morning sickness, and can smell everything within a three-mile radius. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 472
You deserved it 3 875

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Go four miles away. I didn't realize that pregnancy impaired one's logic so much.

DoomJeff91 2

That's one smell of a power. Use it for good, not evil.


DemonicFatty 2

so sorry op. everything sucks so much more when you're preggers :(

perdix 29

Go four miles away. I didn't realize that pregnancy impaired one's logic so much.

Reyo 2

This. "Aww man...they're working with feces next door, what should I do...I KNOW! I'LL COMPLAIN TO THE INTERNET INSTEAD OF GOING SOMEWHERE ELSE!"

I bet you have no idea what its like being pregnant. The strain on their backs (for some women) are so bad they can hardly move. Oh, right, sorry, let me guess. You know exactly what its like to be pregnant cause you're a troll and trolls know everything?

GrungeFan94 0

#63 Shut the **** up. You're feeding the troll moron.

MistressSly 0

belligerance is not a virtue.please god tell me thats a sense of humour

Pregnant women annoy me so much sometimes. Like it's not unpleasant for everybody around, just you because you're pregnant? Blech.

peachee_26 0

exactly. Pregnant Women Are Smug!

She's three months pregnant. Bet you can barely tell she's even knocked up. She's fine. She isn't hurting at all yet. I have two kids. All born and conceived within wedlock.

mycleverusername 0

YDI for getting knocked up and living next to people who poop.

rairai897 0

ok wtf thats just retarded u have no right to say that, the only right thing to possible say for this is FYL not YDI, my god y r ppl here such assholes, FYL

Ligerie 0

hmmmm...I think that was a joke.

Ya, and that person has no right to call somebody "retarded" if their grammar sucks ass.

Your mom got knocked up and lives next to people who poop. Oh.

stephiesue 0

Perfect use of a "your mom" line.

lauracreedon93 0

**** you, you absolute asshole.

DoomJeff91 2

That's one smell of a power. Use it for good, not evil.

electroboy_fml 0

Remember, if you argue with trolls, they win.

Mmm, isn't it great to wake up to the fresh smell of poop in the morning? *gag* *vomit*

perdix 29

It's a septic system. The poop isn't fresh. It has been rotting for weeks, even months. Are you going to be eating that? No? Thanks, don't mind if I do.

Oh woe is you. I guess you are the only one in a 3-mile radius who can smell it, huh?

starry_eyed 0

Might be the only morning sick pregnant person in the 3 mile radius o_O

letitbe56 0

Even if she's not the only pregnant person, it still sucks that she's going to be vomiting all day. Tough times.

christen09 8

u deserve it b/c ur reproducing