By theassman - 11/03/2009 04:42 - United States

Today, my mom walked in on me masturbating. I minimized the porn on my laptop so she wouldn't see I was watching it. It turns out I was watching an old Beatles concert before I started masturbating. My mom thought I was masturbating to the Beatles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 142
You deserved it 80 564

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I never realized there were so many people in the world without access to rooms with locks as when I started coming to fmylife

jESuS_lOVeS_mE69 0

So is it safe to assume i'm the only one who masterbates to old Beatles concerts?


I'm laughing SO hard right now. I FEEL FOR YOU!!! xD xD xD

You know what would have been worst? If you were watching two small children have a water balloon fight, Or if you were looking at pictures of your best friend on myspace, before hand. but that was pretty funny :]

Fortunately, it isn't Michael Jackson. However The Beatles ftw!

I don't think this is a very good FML. The Beatles are perfect. I'm surprised that everybody doesn't start masturbating whenever the Beatles are on. Probably this made your mom more sympathetic...I know I'd find it easier to accept my son's masturbation habits if I knew he had such musical taste. Although uh, yeah, you do need to prioritize a bit. Hiding self > hiding ****.

1. If there's a possibility someone walks in make sure you can hide yourself and the **** AT THE SAME TIME 2. Your mom is dumb either dumb or didn't care.

lauren416 0

I thought everyone masturbated to The Beatles!

#13- YESSS Ringo is my man! And your mom may not have assumed you were watching it, haha. but regardless, the beatles are AMAZING.

TheLoneWolf_fml 0

theassman's in the skyyyyyyyyyyy with diamonds