By Anonymous - 27/11/2009 21:45 - United States

Today, my mom tried to give me advice on how to improve my looks. I scoffed at her but listened to her advice anyway. She ended her tirade with, "I just want you to get laid someday." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 176
You deserved it 3 646

Same thing different taste

Top comments

faxe 0

Go into porno. When you're taking your "**** of the Year" award, mention how your mom inspired you.


dezzylovesyou 0

Oh my god, that's halarious! I'm sorry, I'm a bad person I guess, but jeez your mom's funny.

shroomis 0

haha ill help you out with this

I think some people overrate their parental duties.

nickb93 0

Parents advice is the best advice so listen up and heck take some notes. :)

dancinqueen101 0

Key word here is someday...that doesn't mean tomorrow...using her advice is up to you...either way it should happen sometime