By Anonymous - 30/12/2010 15:37 - United States

Today, my mom thought it would be a good idea for me to talk with a British accent during my job interview to make me sound smarter. I'm applying for a job at McDonald's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 592
You deserved it 5 365

Same thing different taste

Top comments

backdownbreh 0

'British is not a different language. you're a retard.

Ninjafriends 1

Did your mom suggest this while using a British accent to make her idiotic idea sound better?


Dejaay 2

Yup, because nothing makes a better first impression at a job interview than a big fat lie. Great advice. While you're at it, tell the interviewer you're Ray Kroc's great-great grandchild. No one will ever suspect it, and you'll be a shoe-in.

Exactly. Plus, if she gets hired, she'll have to fake that accent the whole time.


why should she dump him, i'ts a freakin' joke.. and lets be honest, it's quite funny hahahah!

Don't do it. Then if you get hired they'll expect you to always talk like that and if you don't they'll expect you didn't take the interview seriously...

well how do you think your mom got her job as a hooker? us men love them brits...

kurly_krennie 0

Did you get the job in the end ?

Sheilatakeabow 0

I'm assuming you mean the stereotypical English London accent, because a British accent doesn't exist as such.

Tadeusz_fml 5

You mean the Queen's English, or 'Recieved Pronounciation'. There are many 'London' accents, Cokney for instance.

I would love to be served in McDonalds by someone who spoke like the Queen! That is, I'd love the accent part, not the serving. There's no way I could take pleasure in being handed what passes for food in McDonalds, no matter whose voice accompanied the hand.

sparta98 4

44^ Most Americans don't really differentiate between the different accents of the area. They kinda get slapped into one category. Think James Bond villains, because that's the sort we usually mean when we say 'British'.

I am English and live in a place in England with an incredibly wide range of accents (almost always more than one person per accent) yet I am the only one who speaks (and types) like a bond villain. Interesting how all the English understand that Americans from different parts of the USA speak in different accents but the Americans seem to think it doesn't work the other way round.

samikitty961 8