By Norah - 23/07/2011 21:50 - United States

Today, my mom scolded me for not taking driving lessons already. This comes a few days after she told me that, "Allowing teenagers to drive is just another way of thinning out the gene pool". FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 625
You deserved it 3 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

takeapieandrun 9

Thats what parents do, don't bother reasoning with her.

TobiPuppy 0

Obviously she's telling you something. You inherited her bad genes.


hahaha you're not even the first comment..but good try with the short 'haha'

yeah bitch I'm first ;) haha just kidding, good effort.

Don't people want their genes to get passed down?

Maybe OP really shouldn't pass his genes down... Pretty tough love OP!

Genes also shouldn't be put in pools. they take forever to dry.


Im pretty sure she wants you dead...

je_suis_fml 11

'Mommy Dearest' knows best...

flockz 19

no she just wants her own genes to be weeded out the gene pool because she doesnt want to let anyone else suffer.

... what about women!? The suspense is killing me!

NastyNinja31 0

op must b the result of a busted condom

littlemissFYL 5

yeah, what about women? watch what you say because we brought you guys into this world and can easily take you out ;-)

NastyNinja31 0

47.. kinda like Casey Anthony?

TenderizeMe 0

i'm sure she CARes about you. :F

sxe_beast 11

@47 - You couldn't have brought us into the world without our semen. It takes two to make a baby.

iLOLatURpain69 7

NEWS FLASH No baby can be made without semen!

Actually girls came from guys since god took a rib from Adam

jillianmathers12 13

some people have respect for their parents, even if they are unreasonable at times

jillianmathers12 13

I know but still it's hard to respect a dumbass!

Your mother probably is a dumbass for not teaching your proper manners if you walk around with those ideals.

johnson94 5

you can still have manners while expressing your concern for your mothers ridiculous ideas...

i dont see how this is an FML, shes letting u drive who cares what she says?

dancerNsinger4li 0

And even if she wanted to 'tell her off' maybe she has the type of mom that would beat her ass if she did! Lmao. Some of you know what Im talking about....

12em12 1

Even if your mom is a dumbass you should give her some respect..

itswhateveridk 0

yeah except when it reaches the boiling point of forgot about that one.

CrackerJack127 3 body cares how close you are to your mom. :P

takeapieandrun 9

Thats what parents do, don't bother reasoning with her.

BigHoshJosh 0

hey be happy! atleast she changed her mind and you get to drive now!!

Looks like somebody's mother failed out of high school biology.

maybe she's hoping you'll be thinned, if you know what I mean

Or the mother meant that allowing teenagers to drive WITHOUT taking proper action in regard to preparation and safety is irresponsible. Insisting that the OP take driving lessons means she wants him to be educated and learn as much as possible to stay safer.

Yeah! She wants you to get thinned fatty! Right, right? oh wait... no.

HA...but really, nobody sees that it most likely was a joke or she didn't mean it?

TobiPuppy 0

Obviously she's telling you something. You inherited her bad genes.

ariannaa_fml 17

I guess she didn't drive when she was a teenager.

im getting ur picture tatooed on my arm, cant wait

whoever thumbed down that is a ******, sublime is sick

Lol. You should have said "Well Mother I believe that allowing teenagers to drive is just another way of thinning out the gene pool, you know what I'm saying?"

Yes, that's a great thing to say, if you never want to get your license.

thisissparta555 0