Parked, indefinitely

By Anonymous - 17/09/2019 04:00

Today, my mom told me I wouldn't be able to take driver's education until at least my sixteenth birthday, because I'm, "Not ready to drive a car." Isn't that the whole point of driver's ed? FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 363
You deserved it 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You might be of legal age, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you as an individual are ready. 16 year old me was horrified by the way some of my friends drove, more than a few of them were not emotionally or mentally mature enough to handle driving a potential death machine. I started practicing driving when I got my learner's permit at 14, but I was 18 before I felt like I was ready to drive. Then I took driver's ed (with several people I'd graduated high school with), and got my license. Prove to your mom that you're ready for the responsibility.

Their choice and although my 17 year old doesn’t believe it, your parents do know better. Luckily he wanted to wait a bit to drive. He doesn’t drive often yet as he knows he isn’t ready. He does short drives to get more practice and sometimes says he doesn’t feel comfortable going somewhere for whatever reason (traffic, parking, etc).


You might be of legal age, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you as an individual are ready. 16 year old me was horrified by the way some of my friends drove, more than a few of them were not emotionally or mentally mature enough to handle driving a potential death machine. I started practicing driving when I got my learner's permit at 14, but I was 18 before I felt like I was ready to drive. Then I took driver's ed (with several people I'd graduated high school with), and got my license. Prove to your mom that you're ready for the responsibility.

Their choice and although my 17 year old doesn’t believe it, your parents do know better. Luckily he wanted to wait a bit to drive. He doesn’t drive often yet as he knows he isn’t ready. He does short drives to get more practice and sometimes says he doesn’t feel comfortable going somewhere for whatever reason (traffic, parking, etc).

mmdavis 8

Relax it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. Once you get that license everyone wants a ride. And depending on where you live you have to be 15 and 9 months at least to take drivers ed.

Lora Wood 11

Pluss if you missbehave she can revoke it until you are 18!

I'm surprised at the logic of 'Murica's laws, you can drive at 16 but drink at 21. I highly doubt 16 y.o's are mature enough to drive.

fuckourlivesamiright 6