By Not Engaged - 06/03/2015 23:30 - United Kingdom - Stourbridge

Today, my long-term boyfriend said that if we ever finally get married, his ex-girlfriend will definitely have to be a bridesmaid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 518
You deserved it 3 087

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I take it you're not getting married then

Tell him that that's fine, as long as you can find another groom


Maybe his reason is that he wants his ex watch him marry you, rather than her. Think about it, OP.

Just tell him: Only if one of my exes can be the best man.

Just say that your ex-boyfriend will definitely have to be a best man!

I could understand this, it depends on the situation I guess. My ex and I are still very close friends (and nothing more). I would love to be in his wedding in the future.