By Username - 29/05/2019 12:15

Today, my brother announced his engagement. I'm going to be the Maid of Honor. My ex, who told me after five years of dating that he didn't believe in marriage, is going to be the Best Man. I get to walk down the aisle with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 980
You deserved it 158

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The fact that hes an ex is a good thing you didnt get married.

Some people don’t make their friends and family choose when they break up with someone. They can still be civil and even sometimes, gasp, friends. Even in that situation, it’d still be awkward to walk down the aisle with him if the whole reason for the breakup was because they wanted different things from the relationship.


The fact that hes an ex is a good thing you didnt get married.

It’s perfect! Buy yourself a ring, and when the officiant asks, “Do you take this man..?,” yell “I do!” before the bride does and hug your ex. Then you’ll be married to him. Congrats!

and on the next episode we can learn how to lock down a family and a house!

WeirdUS 29

If you dated your brothers friend that's a bad idea or they became friends while dating and he didn't end the friendship. Both are bad. Don't go

Some people don’t make their friends and family choose when they break up with someone. They can still be civil and even sometimes, gasp, friends. Even in that situation, it’d still be awkward to walk down the aisle with him if the whole reason for the breakup was because they wanted different things from the relationship.

Some people can be grown ass adults. Hopefully these two will be that way for her brother to get married.

What does your ex's attitude towards marriage have to do with that? He's not the one getting married, but he still supports his best friend because people can want different things in life.

I was going to say the same thing. not believing in something and supporting someone you care about are two different things