By Desiree_lianne - 26/03/2016 21:02 - United States

Today, my fiance said his cat is going to be my maid of honor at our wedding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 008
You deserved it 2 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KeannaLove 32

If I hadn't eloped when I got married, I would've totally had my dogs as the best men! They are a big part of your life and why wouldn't you to include them? However, if you don't want that speak up. It's both of yours wedding and everyone should be happy!

It's your wedding too. Neither of you should veto or demand something for/from the other person. Just have a calm talk with him and explain why that a terrible ******* idea


It's your wedding too. Neither of you should veto or demand something for/from the other person. Just have a calm talk with him and explain why that a terrible ******* idea

mwali02 32

If he likes his cat so much, why can't it be the best man instead? Can't he compromise? lol! You know I'm kidding OP. Best of luck trying to stir some maturity and reasoning into your future husband.

Actually you can veto somethings like for instance the Bride picks her own Bridal party and maid of honour while the groom picks his own Groomsmen and best man.

Its not a terrible idea cats are the best

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bearbear120 27

Because he said the cat was going to be OP's maid of honor. OP probably wants to pick her own maid of honor.

KeannaLove 32

If I hadn't eloped when I got married, I would've totally had my dogs as the best men! They are a big part of your life and why wouldn't you to include them? However, if you don't want that speak up. It's both of yours wedding and everyone should be happy!

i can think of a thousand way a dog can ruin your marriage. A cat on the other hand... it's purrfect.

I thought it was always the Crazy Cat Lady not Crazy Cat Man.

It's 2016; we could have the mentally unstable fem demiboy for all we care.

You better not let this happen. As #1 said, talk with him, and if he is not willing to change his decision, perhaps you need to reevaluate your choice to be with him. If he isn't taking the wedding seriously, what else will be not be able to take seriously?

And what if he is being serious? Sure maybe he shouldnt choose her maid of honor but he may be willing to compromise as it being his best man. Id have my puppy be my maid of honor when I get married.

You're the bride, so it's your maid of honor, you're the one that gets to decide who stands beside you at the wedding, he doesn't get to choose that for you. It would be like you choosing his best man.

You should probably be happy that he didnt want the cat to walk you down the aisle

I don't think the groom gets to decide who the maid of honor is going to be. That's total BS.

As others have said, talk to him. Perhaps the cat could be a ring bearer or something, I've heard of many animals being in weddings and I don't see why it's "so terrible" or him not taking the wedding seriously. Some people are closer to their animals than people.

A ring bearer is a better suited role for a pet, but a maid of honor has responsibilities in the wedding. She is supposed to help the bride, sign as a witness, make a toast to the groom, and make sure the bride doesn't go bridezilla if something goes wrong. Plus the maid of honor should be the brides choice. So you are right that pets can be a part of the wedding party (my pup was ring bearer), but his request is ridiculous.

I actually didn't think over a lot of that truthfully, the only weddings I participated in so far was when I was really young so thank you. But yes, wanting the cat as maid of honor is a bad idea, I just don't understand why some people in the comments think wanting an animal to be part of the wedding is ridiculous or immature.