High value male

By Anonymous - 07/08/2022 10:00

Today, my boyfriend has been fired from Amazon, rejected by the army, deactivated from Uber, and quit his fast food job. He also proposed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 938
You deserved it 353

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know, having a stay-at-home husband is not as bad as it seems. Provided that he does the cooking, cleaning, listening, and gardening a stay-at-home wife does.


He probably is anticipating that his remuneration as your full-time gigolo will be better than a bunch of odd jobs. The life of a kept man!

You know, having a stay-at-home husband is not as bad as it seems. Provided that he does the cooking, cleaning, listening, and gardening a stay-at-home wife does.

The one's who cant hold jobs also wont do any household jobs either.

I can’t be the only one who thinks there’s some kind of mental health issue going on here.

You need to R.U.N do not have kids I repeat safe sex with him

he's fully ready for you to completely support him. run, and ffs do not get pregnant

Wadlaen 23

He seems to be a rare specimen! Make sure you don't lose him! Good luck!!

AzraelAngelus 15

This one's defective. Throw him back.

All of those jobs kind of suck anyways and are basically just traps for the poor/unskilled/unexperienced...except sometimes the Army. If things are otherwise good maybe see what it would take to get a real job. As a side note I just found out Lime pays $5 per scooter to charge and drop off some people on reddit are making 55k+ a year doing that. Also it's easy to make money going to garage/estate/book sales and just selling things online for a profit. Shouldn't take much to match the $16.50 or w/e those jobs offer.