By epiiphany - 16/12/2009 23:01 - United States

Today, my little brother got mad at me, so he colored the entire screen of my new iPod Touch with a black sharpie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 018
You deserved it 5 342

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Its glass. use heavy duty window cleaner. done.

DoomJeff91 2

Are you sure it's not turned off?


What a f*cker. Draw on his face with a sharpie

HiXP 1

Cover it with expo marker (or any other dry erase marker), wait for it to dry then wipe it off. :) Then you can use some kind of glass cleaner.

takemetomars 0

ugh my sister did that to mine but a bit of nail polish remover and my touch was back to perfect(: I'm on it now

Use a non-permanent white board marker and color over the sharpie, then wipe it all away. Works like a bomb

hairspray or germex should get it off.

I would hang him bye his feet from a railing thts just me tho

emilyissutee 0

rubbing alchohol always works