By MonieIndmiddle - 13/11/2017 05:00

Today, my kids caught a virus from school. My husband stayed home with them since I make more money and he didn't want to risk me getting sick. Guess which adult has the runs and is puking every five seconds. Nope, not him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 103
You deserved it 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments

One of your adult children? Your lazy, unemployed brother-in-law who’s crashing in your husband’s man-cave until he “finds himself?” The mysterious boarder in your basement who has paid a year’s rent in advance, installed triple locks and for some reason, needs to run 8 deep freezers? Those are my guesses!

chubbear 14

Oh **** off. She wasn't belittling her husband, and obviously you have no common sense. It would be less of a blow if he got sick because they'd lose less money. But please, keep spewing out these nonsense comments.


One of your adult children? Your lazy, unemployed brother-in-law who’s crashing in your husband’s man-cave until he “finds himself?” The mysterious boarder in your basement who has paid a year’s rent in advance, installed triple locks and for some reason, needs to run 8 deep freezers? Those are my guesses!

On a side note, was that FML about the person who couldn't get hot water because the stickers were reversed deleted?

Never mind, my FML was screwing up. Carry on

Little Richard 11

Getting sick with diarrhea should not qualify as an fml. Way to belittle your husband that you make more money, and that you're more important, which is what this was really all about. Your husband deserves an fml for putting up with you.

chubbear 14

Oh **** off. She wasn't belittling her husband, and obviously you have no common sense. It would be less of a blow if he got sick because they'd lose less money. But please, keep spewing out these nonsense comments.

Something tells me you have no sense if humor and have never heard of sarcasm.

Are you really trying to copy RichardPencil? Why?

Sorry to say this but you got the shitty end of that deal.