How romantic?

By Dontplayjokes - 13/11/2017 06:00 - United Kingdom

Today, after my first date with a med student, I went back to his. Things were getting hot and he asked if he could practise body examinations on me. I agreed, thinking he was going to role play, but he then proceeded to do actual joint and muscle examinations for a whole hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 148
You deserved it 1 546

Top comments

"I remember, on our first date, I practiced body examinations on your mom..." "Dad, please!" (Covering ears) "What?" (Confused)

You’re lucky he didn’t do a colonoscopy and find your hidden cucumber!


"I remember, on our first date, I practiced body examinations on your mom..." "Dad, please!" (Covering ears) "What?" (Confused)

Rolf at least it wasn't a cavity search

...and for sure better than the other doctor games where you sit for hours in a wating room before the doctor calls you in and you do not even get the expected cavity search.

Idk, if a female student did that, she'd be considered quirky, and most guys would probably go with it.

Lobby_Bee 17

Free medical examination, how is this FML? I would kill for that.

You’re lucky he didn’t do a colonoscopy and find your hidden cucumber!

Be thankful he wasn't learning to be a coroner.

Don't need a medical degree to be a coroner..

Dude! A coroner is a doctor who determines the causes of death! I wouldn't want to know where your coroner got his license!

julfunky 29

I want to point out that depending on where you live, you may or may not need to be a physician. It isn’t the same everywhere. Like in the US, what is required varies from state to state.

mehimhere 11
Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

So? Everything okay with your muscels?

AzrielB 8

Next time date an aspiring gynecologist, not a GP

Getting a pap smear during sexy times? Nah..

Maybe he doesn't put out on the first date?