By badwife - 07/11/2009 10:22 - Japan

Today, my husband left his phone at home. I looked through his contacts and found a person named "The Bitch." Being very curious, I called "The Bitch" to see who it was. My phone rang. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 378
You deserved it 17 355

Same thing different taste

Top comments


greenfairy_fml 0

While that is douche-y and totally not an acceptable way for a man to refer to any woman, particularly his wife, you also shouldn't be snooping through his phone. I would never do that to my boyfriend.

Koolnoob729 0

you're looking through his phone so you shouldn't be angry

Kylias 6

Change your name to "We need to talk", then call him when he gets back to his phone. c:

Better, yet change the number for Bitch to his mother.

kellster 2

You should have known better than to go snooping. "Curiosity" is another word for "controlling" or "manipulative" here. Your husband is a douche, but perhaps reconsider your own behavior first!

fyl, but ydi for going through his phone and hes an idiot for doing that anyway.

You only deserve it if you ARE, in fact, a bitch. If not, then **** your life.

ARE YOU GUYS SERIOUS??? what the fug is so bad about looking through your husband's phone? you're married, you're not supposed to have secrets from each other. so if her husband was cheating on her and he had pictures of a nude woman on there, you guys would think it was ok because the wife was a "bitch". honestly. i see nothing wrong with looking through your damn husband's phone.

Cooper201288 16

You sound like you'd be a super fun wife.