By badwife - 07/11/2009 10:22 - Japan

Today, my husband left his phone at home. I looked through his contacts and found a person named "The Bitch." Being very curious, I called "The Bitch" to see who it was. My phone rang. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 378
You deserved it 17 355

Same thing different taste

Top comments


exactly. Those are the immature comments i was expencting to get back. So you didn't actually listen to what i said did you?

...What were you planning to say when the person answered, if it had been someone else? "Oh hi, I just wanted to see who my husband has in his phone as 'the Bitch'"? YDI.

not really helping yourself by looking through his contacts

Maybe he's a thug, and the OP's the main??? Idk. Just throwing it out there. (Beyonce feels she's that bitch)

lady_unknown 0

I believe your hubby did it on purpose, OP… he knows you'll be snooping and it is his only way to get the message across lol Sorry but YDI

danceoo 0

are you a bitch? you kind of sound like one...

ChuckWaggon 0

Well said, whoever that was. For your husband to label you The Bitch, you probably earned that title. Snoop thru someone's stuff and then complain when you don't like what you find. That IS bitchy. You are probably going to run and Bitch to him about it. Prepare to be known as the The Snoopy ****.