By badwife - 07/11/2009 10:22 - Japan

Today, my husband left his phone at home. I looked through his contacts and found a person named "The Bitch." Being very curious, I called "The Bitch" to see who it was. My phone rang. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 378
You deserved it 17 355

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Change it to "The Ex." Or stop being a nosy bitch.

I love that idea. Change it and don't tell him. Then next time he has his him. :)

dspadres 0

More like **** HIS life that you're such a pain in the ass and that you discovered that on his phone. I'm sure he's going to be hearing about it for the next few months.

thejerk56 8

well stop being a bitch and maybe he'll change it to "that one person."

Thats what you get for being a "very curious person"

"Today the bitch who knocks my junk around found out that she is indeed, a huge bitch. She been bitching at me for hours.FML" I hope to see that in a few hours.

BlowYaMind 0

Well, Bitch, pick up your phone. :] Someones calling you. Pick that shit up! Oh well maybe you should stop being a bitch :] "Why don't you go back to your home on ***** Island?" (Anchorman).

I killed a man! Yeah I saw that. You might wanna hang low till that whole murder thing blows over.

So I see you're posting in Japan. ... Yeah, this sounds about right.

adelaide_evening 0

Because you couldn't just look at the number that "The Bitch" was under? Yeah right. And why would you CALL the person, especially if you didn't know who it was? What were you planning to say? "Umm, hello, I was being a nosy bitch and wanted to see who my husband considered a bitch so we could get together for tea sometime and bitch about the world."

Except she's very likely paying for that loser's phone. And since when is a phone such a highly personal and secret thing?If he thought it was he would have put a lock on it. Douche.

"very likely" how so? how do you know she hasnt earned that title? you just assume because you are a bitch.

Don't know if you are or not, but still that sucks!