By Anonymous - 12/06/2019 02:10

Today, my husband came home with tears in his eyes. I ran and asked him why he was crying. He said he wasn't, but he finally admitting to talking to a woman in a bar who, when she noticed his wedding ring, sprayed him with mace. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 319
You deserved it 256

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hang on. He said he was only talking to her, he doesn’t say flirting, but she sprays him with mace just because of the ring? I believe that could be filed under assault.

Well, of course he couldn’t, so I’m only hoping someone at the bar called the cops for him.


Hang on. He said he was only talking to her, he doesn’t say flirting, but she sprays him with mace just because of the ring? I believe that could be filed under assault.

Well, of course he couldn’t, so I’m only hoping someone at the bar called the cops for him.

It’s not uncommon for people to wear their rings after a souse passes, so that was a total overreaction. I wonder if he was just being friendly, flirting to see if he still had it for an ego boost, or trying to get somewhere. The first two are a fhl as well. And come on, if you can’t admit that even if you are in a relationship with your soul mate, someone else finding you desirable isn’t an ego boost, you are lying to take the high road or someone who would overreact and mace someone.

It would get filed under battery. I’m wondering how honest hubby is being though. The ones that would mace a guy just for talking to them are few and far between. At minimum, I’m betting he said some creeper level stuff that made her fear for her safety and he’s just covering his ass.

It may be a bit overkill but who knows what the relationship was prior to this incident. If he’s crying because some chick saw his wedding ring what else is he doing?

Umm... he wasn't "crying" for some girl seeing his ring, but because he was mace-sprayed! Having hot pepper sprayed on your eyes can cause tears, and are painful!

WeirdUS 29

I doubt he was only talking something must have been said thaat was unwanted and likely of or of a sexual nature.

leximichelle 13

Depends on the interaction they had when she sprayed him. If he was flirting with her, he deserved it. If she just assumed he was being a creeper or something during a normal conversation or he had just approached her when she sprayed him, then she’s probably crazy. Or conceited.

ViviMage 38

Whatever happened to throwing your drink at someone or slapping their face? Or both?