By wtfdad - 16/11/2014 05:29 - United States - Little Silver

Today, my husband and I told my parents I was pregnant with my first child. The only thing my father did was look at my husband and tell him his pull out game was weak. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 225
You deserved it 4 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Be glad your father's pull out game was also weak.

Honestly, that's hilarious. I'm sure your dad is happy for you, and, congratulations!


Either that or his sperm is **** extremely potent.

I like whole Condoms . Now the crazy mom with a needle poking holes in them and putting a Jesus loves you card next to them is a different story. +1 friend I know what you meant. Pleo same thing. What the hell I laughed at your comment. Super sperm, the new super hero, or villain.

Or maybe they actually intended to have a child?

Be glad your father's pull out game was also weak.

JMichael 25

I'd ask him what happened when he helped conceive you.

lemex243 5

It might just be he was kidding

And then he slapped him on the back and with a cheery smile he congratulated the both of you, right?

Yeah it would be messed up if he didn't, don't ya think moss head?

Honestly, that's hilarious. I'm sure your dad is happy for you, and, congratulations!

Dad: "I'm the pullout king"! (Portlandia)

Any dad could not be a pullout King. It means you've failed your objective at least once.

I didn't know that with the parenthesis around it. My comment, however ,was a joke.

Aww I'm sad this got downvoted so much! I just watched the episode of Portlandia with the Pullout King skit last night. So the quote was fresh in my mind. It has Jeff Goldblum in it. Season 4, episode 4. If you haven't watched it, do it! :) Devildog's point is quite valid :)

Hmph Too many rude people in this world I think

Too many people with no sense of humor...I personally would have laughed. It was a joke! He's probably happy for them.

I'm sure he's happy for you, it's actually pretty funny OP

Pull out method and Depo don't work. Trust me I'm a father. I watched her shot and my shot.

Sorry meant to put (sarcasm) they do work together but nothing is 100%.

ahippienamedrae 10

Regardless of that typo, your comment makes no sense at all.

How doesn't it make sense; deprovera and pull out method do not work, my daughter was a product from these methods. I watch the injection go ink her and my ejaculation out of her. Better context ?

It's ok, devildog, I understood and giggled without the sarcasm marker.