The truth

By Theaccident - 22/01/2011 10:03 - Australia

Today, my mum told me how I was only here because my dad couldn't pull out in time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 034
You deserved it 3 660

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sourgirl101 28

Many children are unexpected but what is unexpected and unacceptable is for a mother to say such things. What child wants to hear that the "only" reason they are here is because daddy forgot to pull out? It may be true but not something a loving mother should ever say to their child. Ever!

Actually if he did then FYL, as a sperm that is.


Can't wait to see what the mods will change your comment to.

Untrue man, I give everyone who gets first their very own personal ****. I give a **** to first posters everywhere, so just sign here #1 and I will personally give a **** just for you! If you are not satisfied, I will personally take back the **** that I gave, and send you a full refund! For more info, call 1-800-YAY-****!

no one gives a **** about this you think you're the only accidental child? go cry somewhere else stupid pussy, and it's "mom" not "mum", dumbass

OP lives in Australia. It's mum. If you're going to insult someone, it's best not to conduct yourself like an ignorant asshat.

1 - Congratulations on being first! Now, let me get my condom on so that there's no more of you ending up like OP over here.

Yuckyyyyy you parent must've had sexx ewwww!

donkeyshlong420 0
Slayerfan408 6

yep, but even if he had pulled out op woulda still been born.

How do you know? Coïtus interruptus can, indeed, make a woman pregnant even when the man pulled out on time. Watch the word 'can'.

If the woman gets pregnant, doesn't that qualify as NOT having pulled out in time?

There is a little bit of sperm on the tip of the penis, so even if he did pull out, there would still be a chance of getting pregnant.

No there isn't. The chance of getting pregnant from coïtus interruptus lies in the sperm cells that can get out before the guy actually comes.

donkeyshlong420 0

wooohooo im the new number one my life suddenly has meaning to it

Actually if he did then FYL, as a sperm that is.

sad, sad comments #1 & #2. if you are going to comment, at least comment about the post. OP, unlucky thing "/ pretend to be really hurt about it, and demand presents and turtles x

So? I think you are not the only one. Much children are unexpected, but wanted. Not FML-worthy.

chibimarshmallow 0

*Agrees*. That's how my daughter came to be. And I wouldn't change it for the world. :)

sourgirl101 28

Many children are unexpected but what is unexpected and unacceptable is for a mother to say such things. What child wants to hear that the "only" reason they are here is because daddy forgot to pull out? It may be true but not something a loving mother should ever say to their child. Ever!

fthku 13

Thank you sourgirl. It's one thing to have children who are accidents and it's one thing to tell them that, and then it depends on HOW you say it. Sounds like OP's mom is the mom who wrote this FML- "Today, without even trying, I convinced my 17-year-old daughter that blueberries are just peas holding their breath. I have raised a complete airhead. FML"

Susieee_Q 9

21, she was probably kidding. My mom says things like that all the time to joke around but she does tell me when serious that she loves me & doesn't regret my existence. I get what you're saying, although I think that there is the possibility that OP is just being way to sensitive.

Exactly. Both of my kids were, "Oops, now what?" babies. Who cares?

ZeeBest86 6

35...that blueberry thing is genius!! I'm so gonna use that on every little kid I see!

Ali_Br_fml 33

actually, there are some parents who tell their children that they were failed abortions. I personally know a parent who seriously told their child that, & that child is screwed up b/c she constantly tells him crap like that. She's being honest. She says, & shows that she never wanted him, but it's not right. Op isn't necessarily being overly sensitive. Some parents say cruel things just to see how much they can hurt their child when they get on their nerves, but what hurts them the most is that the parent is telling the truth. (yes, I'm on an iPod, so no, I'm not going to look for my errors)

Yeah, so? My parents told me I was an accident too. It's not about whether or not you were planned or not, it's about if they love you.

FMLephant 2

I was only "planned" because my mom got syphilis from my dad and had a miscarriage. Then they tried again and here I am. Hooray for syphilis!

So? Did they put you up for adoption? Didn't think so. Does this affect your life in any way? No. You're loved either way, otherwise they wouldn't have kept you.

FYLDeep 25

Although I think there are many parents who don't give two ***** about their kids, but I still mostly agree with you about that.

Be happy you won the first race in your life. You beat millions of other potential children